martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


Hi Kary!!

You will arrive at the train station, from there walk to the right and reaches the corner, cross the street and see a gift shop, then from there you turn left, walk two blocks, past the pedestrian bridge to the barber shop "Doña Juanita, walk to the right three blocks and you hope there is the spa that I promise you, I hope you get well.

Greetings see you on Saturday


Map´s Description by Pepe


Hi Gerardo!

When you come into the town you are in the Railway Station, leaving the station and go over the bridge and turn left. Then go along on that street and turn left in the corner of the street and walk without stop, past the newspaper kiosk and go along until you get at the stop light, cross the street and go along until you get at the corner and finally cross the street and you could see me.

I hope you will understand my instructions, we will tell you where do you have to go when you get there, it could be the museum or the library.

See you


lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

School´s Description by Pepe

I’m going to tell you how are my school:

My school is a green school!, yeah!, because has many big garden, it’s building on a mountain, and is really big.

It has many people in there, and has many classroom, and laboratory for video edition, audio edition, and photo edition. So, it has two forums, for television and radio, in fact in the radio forum, there’s a radio station.

It has two courts for soccer and basket ball, and a really big freaking parking.
The people are friendly, but it’s really competitive!

And that’s the reason because I love to be there.

Mail´s Friend by Pepe

Dear Karen:

How are you my lovely friend, I hope that you are ok, I really miss you beauty girl, so I have to tell you something really important.
I need to see you, because it’s going to be my birthday! I need your help for organize mi party, how do you see?, that’s could be great for me. I wish you will be here.

So I really hope that you answer my mail, please, I need you ok?
I hope your answer ok?


Map´s Description by Liz Robles

Carmen, you are in Market square, go to bus station.

In Market square front town hall take queen street and turn right at the round about its on the corner.

I hope in here ok! Don’t be late!!

Liz Robles

School´s Description by Liz Robles

My school is big complex because have seven degrees courses. I cacht two buses to scool every days. The building is how maze.

The classrooms is very spacious is have big windows. Every year is very warm. I like the practice class how photo or news class of journalist, I hates subjects of theories, I think so boring.

But in general I like my school.-

Liz Robles

Mail 2 by Liz Robles


Helen called at home, she said sorry but she can’t go out because she have see doctor if you can call Helen is in your mobile phone her number is 771 384 98 54
Xoxo.- ---------

Liz Robles